What’s a Congregational Care Minister?

Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) are laypersons who receive rigorous training and then are commissioned to care for others in their own congregation and their extended community.

We’re here to help you!


Marsha Gaffin


Kristen Howell

Request Support from a CCM

Your CCMs are here for you! We are here to partner with you and the pastor and help you through grief, support you during struggles, and share joys with you. We offer prayer, support, scripture, hospital visits, and a listening ear.

Request Care

Become a Congregational Care Minister

Have you ever been told you are a good listener? Do you have a desire to hear people’s stories and provide encouragement? Maybe you have incredible administrative skills and like to help organize systems. If you think you may have any of these gifts, consider applying to be a Congregational Care Minister (CCM). With a congregation of our size, we rely on trained CCMs to serve alongside our pastors and staff in Congregational Care.

Request Information

Attend a Caring Congregation Seminar

Three to four times per year, we host a seminar at First United Methodist Church covering topics and issues that can help you better care for others. This year, we’ve covered topics such as end of life planning, helping someone who is struggling with mental illness, radical hospitality, and why we are all called to offer care to one another. These seminars are open to the public and are always free. Keep an eye out for information on our next seminar.

First United Methodist Church of Leavenworth