Kids’ First Worship for Children ages 3 years – 4th grade meets during the 11:00 service each Sunday or the lower floor of the sanctuary building. During February we will focus on some of Jesus’ parables – stories that use things people are familiar with to tell an important spiritual truth. February 23 – The Kingdom of Heaven is Like… When Jesus was here on the earth he did many miracles – acts that defy logical explanation. In March, we will focus on what He did, and how it affected those who received it or witnessed it. March 2 – Water into Wine Wonderful Wednesdays are a fantastic way to remind children that God is not just for Sundays, he is for EVERY day. We meet in the Educational Building from 3:45 – 5:30pm. Friends are always welcome. 3:45 – 5:30pm Kids ages 4 years – 6th grade. To register go to Wonderful Wednesday Our theme this year is “In the Beginning”. We will be studying the book of Genesis from start to finish this year. During February we will look into the lives of Abraham and Isaac. February 19 – Rebekah March 5 – Jacob & Esau are Born March 12 – Jacob & Esau – Stolen Birthright March 19 – NO SESSION (Spring Break) March 26 – Jacob’s Dream |
Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:40. We will study the same lessons as Kids First Worship taking time to go a little deeper. 5th & 6th Graders will join Kristen Howell in the Youth Room for Sunday School |
Fusion 56: A Special Group for our kids 5th and 6th Graders that meets from 12:-1:30pm on the 1st & 3rd Sundays (unless otherwise noted) to meet them where they are and support them as they grow. Each meeting we will have lunch, a bible lesson and FUN!
This is an age where they feel like they don’t belong. But they belong here! To see our schedule, go to Fusion 56
We know that all mom’s and caregivers sometimes just need a morning out to catch their breath. We would love to give you that opportunity!
We will have three different groups:
Nursery – 6 weeks through 18 months
Pre-school 3/Toddler – 19 months – 2 years
PreK – 3 – 5 years
March’s theme will be “Spring
To register for March click here
Registration is limited. To be placed on our waiting list, contact Nancy Shade at
Thank Goodness It’s Friday – April 18
Ages 3-5 8:30-noon
Ages Kindergarten thru 6th Grade – 8:30-3:30pm
Register here to volunteer or participate:
Vacation Bible School – LIFEBOAT! Where God Comes to the Rescue
July 21-25 9am-Noon
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