PreSchool children meet for Sunday School in the Nursery which is in the basement of the main building.
Kindergarten and first grade children meet in room 105 of the Education building
2nd-6th Grade
Second through sixth grade children meet in room 201 upstairs in the Education building

Adult Classes
We have a wide variety of classes that focus on building a stronger faith relationship through Bible study and fellowship with other believers. Classes focus on family issues, social concerns, and verse-by-verse study. Our current classes are:
- New Life Seekers: New Life Seekers extends an invitation to deepen your understanding of God and embrace a fuller commitment to Jesus Christ. This group meets in room 203 of the Educational building.
- Cornerstone: The Cornerstone class is a smaller class led by Mary Lou Anderson. If class is too small, they join in the Koinonia class.
- Family Matters: Family-oriented, Biblically – inspired topical discussion. The first Sunday of each month we even have brunch! We would love to have you!
- Koinonia: Koinonia is a Greek word that means “having in common partnership and fellowship” through a participation and study in God’s word. Join us in Room 103. This class enjoys digging deep into the Old Testament one verse at a time.