Our Mission Partners
Food Pantries
Our relationship with the Leavenworth Mission at 123 Broadway provides food to people. The food pantry is held multiple times a month. Through a suggestion by FUMCL, we started one night a month where people can pick up food after work. FUMCL provides deliveries to apartments. We also help with their recycling. The donation of a laptop helped with administration. We also support Trinity House, the food pantry at Trinity Lutheran Church at 2101 S. 10th Avenue.
The Deeper Window
Deeper Windows Association supports and advocates for people living with dementia and their care partners. Our commercial kitchen is made available to help create baked goods for their annual bake sale that net nearly $40k for their cause. That’s a lot of sweets!
This endeavor, coordinated by Morgan Belardo, a young lady in her 20s to honor her father who died at the age of 56 to this disease.
All items are baked and cooked by volunteers and are made from scratch. In 2023, this “Sweet Exchange” created over 7,000 items for the event.
More options to serve
A school partnership developed with Anthony school that includes encouraging notes for staff, food distribution, Christmas angel tree for needy families, book fair purchase, staff appreciation meals and cookies & milk for the entire school.
FUMC expands our partnership with the following mission partners through time, talent and treasure: Backpack Buddies, St. Vincent Clinic, Samaritans Buffet, Community of Hope (homeless shelter), Council on Aging, Seventh Street Feast – community-wide Thanksgiving meal, Anthony Elementary school and Leavenworth & Lansing High Schools.
We also assist with the Richard Allen Cultural Center, the Alliance Against Family Violence, Human Animal Bond, Meals on Wheels, and Attainable Housing.
If you are interested in any of these ministries, contact the office for more information.
The Hub & Stronghold
We’re partnering with the HUB, a United Methodist mission in Argentine and Stronghold – a food pantry for military families on Ft. Leavenworth by collecting supplies for their free food and necessities pantry. The church’s response has been amazing. We consistently take carloads full of items such as breakfast foods, vegetables, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner. Thank you for your generosity. We continue to collect items for both locations. Drop donations in the wooden chest in the foyer or to the church office.
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