VBS 2024


Kids 3 years through 6th grade.


Register here:  

Pray for VBS – specifically on July 18th.  We are holding a prayer vigil that day to ask God to bless all the kids and volunteers who attend VBS.  Click here to reserve a time to pray.

Donate Supplies for VBS – Help us get everything we need for the children. Click here to sign up.

You will not want to miss this year’s VBS! Each day we will hear the story of a biblical king who exemplified one of the “Keys to the Kingdom” character traits that God wants for his children.


  • Day 1 – David & Goliath    KEY – FAITH    Team color – GREEN
            Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And Faith means knowing that something is real even if we don’t see it.  Hebrews 11:1
  • Day 2 – Solomon Asks for Wisdom    KEY – SELF-CONTROL    Team Color – BLUE
           But the Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  There is no law that says these things are wrong.         Galatians 5:22-23
  • Day 3 – Josiah and the Return to God     KEY – OBEDIENCE     Team Color – YELLOW
            Be sure to obey all the teachings my servant Moses gave you. If you follow them exactly, you will be successful in everything you do.  Joshua 1:7b & c
  • Day 4 – Hezekiah Removes Idols    KEY – TRUST     Team Color – RED
           When I am afraid, I will trust you.  Psalm 56:3
  • Day 5 – Jesus Washes Feet    KEY – SERVANT    Team Color – PURPLE
          I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also shall wash each other’s feet.  John 13:14-15


Other VBS Sessions in the area:

First Christian Church – July 15-19

Calvary Baptist Church – July 22-26

Trinity Lutheran – July 22-26



First United Methodist Church of Leavenworth